Saturday 1 September 2012

Geeks used Blog has moved!

You can now find us at

We do have a reasoning behind this, we have started a gaming network, this is the website of said network and I believe it is the best option to put our articles up on there instead, if you'd like to check it out click here

enjoy guys, sorry for the inconvenience!

- Ben 

Thursday 2 August 2012

MineCon 2012 Announced!

The venue for this years MineCon has been announced, and kids, you'll love this one, its to be held in Disneyland Paris on the 24th and 25th of November!

Last years MineCon logo!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Do Gamers get a bad rep?

I am now entering my late teens and am being told to 'grow up'. A word which will not become apparent to me until I have grey hair and wrinkles no longer occur from long sessions in the bath. In all seriousness, I hate the words 'grow up', especially if it comes from those who are in the same age group as myself. I believe i will be gaming in my late 60's with the Xbox 1260 or whatever monstrosity comes throughout my life span. Everyone will have to just deal with that fact.

"Myself aged 60".

Mono-Gamers and my lack of understanding.

As a gamer I always thought it was worth while to give every game I can get my hands on that looks appealing a chance, which, for the most part anyway*, worked out for the best, I feel like I have a relatively good taste in games, which gives me a good basis to form an opinion around. Recently however a new form of gamer has come to my attention, the "Mono-Gamer", 

*emphasis on for the most part, this abomination made me weep.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Miner Warfare Review! [XBLA - 80 MSP]

Recently I have been playing a LOT of Xbox indie games [probably because I'm poor and they're cheap and demos are a thing] specifically a lot of XBLA indie CO-OP titles, one game has me hooked in and keeps me and whoever I’m playing it with screaming at eachother for hours on end, a game that I’ll likely forcibly make you my player 2/3/4 for if you ever come around to my house. This game ladies and gents is “Miner Warfare” by Heartbit interactive.

Awesome box art!